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The Department of Vocational Education and Training is headed by Prof. Dr. Michael Goller. The department's main research interest is on how to effectively and efficiently secure, reproduce, and innovate society’s working capacities. A special focus is hereby laid upon learning processes in practice-based working environments (e.g., internships, trainings), consequences of digital transformation processes in the context of work, career-choice processes and their determinants, as well as research methodology issues in the context of professional learning and development. Teaching-wise the working group mainly offers lectures and seminars in the so-called “educational and social science core studies” (Bildungs- und gesellschaftswissenschaftliches Kernstudium).

Working Group "Vocational & Business Education" (Prof. Dr. Michael Goller, Tanja Dietz, Katrin Arianta, Dr. Juliane Dieterich, Verene Pfeiffer, Alina Yudakov)


PDRnet - Professional Development Research Network
WÖRLD - Wirtschaftspädagogik und Ökonomische Bildung - Digital teacher training and teaching - BMBF